Land for sale on Lisi

916 sq.m. land for sale on Lisi, Agaraki village, agricultural, with communications, good location for summer cottage

City: Tbilisi
District: Saburtalo
Street/Number: Lisi
Price per Square: 490.60 GEL
Price: 449,393.99 GEL
Area: 916.00 m2


+995 597 000066 +995 599 720772

ID: 19886
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Land for sale on Lisi
ID: 19886
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Land for sale in Tetri Tskaro region

676 and 626 sq.m. land for sale in Tetri Tskaro region, Orbeti village

City: Tetri Tskaro
District: Tetri Tskaro district
Street/Number: Orbeti village
Price per Square: 136.18 GEL
Price: 177,306.35 GEL
Area: 1302.00 m2


+995 597 000066 +995 597 011566

ID: 13290
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Land for sale in Tetri Tskaro region
ID: 13290
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Land for sale in Okrokana

800 sq.m. land for sale in Okrokana, in the settlement, agricultural, with communications (water and erectricity), fenced

City: Tbilisi
District: Okrokana
Street/Number: Okrokana
Price per Square: 953.26 GEL
Price: 762,607.97 GEL
Area: 800.00 m2


+995 597 000066 +995 597 011566

ID: 19740
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Land for sale in Okrokana
ID: 19740
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Land for sale in Ozurgeti region

1600 sq.m. land for sale in Ozurgeti region, Natanebi village, near Shekvetili

City: Ozurgeti
District: Ozurgeti
Street/Number: Natanebi village
Price per Square: 81.71 GEL
Price: 130,732.80 GEL
Area: 1600.00 m2


+995 597 000066 +995 597 032299

ID: 19467
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Land for sale in Ozurgeti region
ID: 19467
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Land for sale on Vera

5938 sq.m. land for sale on Vera, Belinski str, with an approved project of a 5-storey building, total area - 6100 sq.m., useful area - 5000 sq.m .. The land is located in a prestigious area, in an ecologically clean place, with an excellent views

City: Tbilisi
District: Vera
Street/Number: Belinski str.
Price per Square: 1,146.68 GEL
Price: 6,808,999.78 GEL
Area: 5938.00 m2


+995 597 000066 +995 597 032299

ID: 17783
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Land for sale on Vera
ID: 17783
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Land for sale on Lisi

900 sq.m. land for sale on territory of Lisi lake, Kvachadze str, non-agricultural, with all communications

City: Tbilisi
District: Saburtalo
Street/Number: Lisi
Price per Square: 490.25 GEL
Price: 441,223.19 GEL
Area: 900.00 m2


+995 597 000066 +995 599 720772

ID: 19094
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Land for sale on Lisi
ID: 19094
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Land for sale in Grigoleti

300 sq.m. land for sale in Grigoleti, near the "Andamat" hotel, in the settlement, in 300 meters from the sea, with communications

City: Abasha
District: Grigoleti
Street/Number: Grigoleti
Price per Square: 149.80 GEL
Price: 44,939.40 GEL
Area: 300.00 m2


+995 597 000066 +995 597 032299

ID: 7035
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Land for sale in Grigoleti
ID: 7035
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Land for sale in Natakhtari

4500 sq.m. land for sale in Natakhtari, agrigultural, communications pass near the site, possible to sale of part of the land

City: Natakhtari
District: Natakhtari
Street/Number: Natakhtari
Price per Square: 53.39 GEL
Price: 240,255.00 GEL
Area: 4500.00 m2


+995 597 000066 +995 597 011566

ID: 20523
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Land for sale in Natakhtari
ID: 20523
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Land for sale in Mtskheta region

775 sq.m. land for sale in Mtskheta region, in Mskhaldidi village, near Napetvrebi, agricultural, in the settlement

City: Mckheta
District: Mckheta
Street/Number: Mskhaldidi village
Price per Square: 151.56 GEL
Price: 117,458.00 GEL
Area: 775.00 m2


+995 597 000066 +995 597 032299

ID: 20512
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Land for sale in Mtskheta region
ID: 20512
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Land for sale in Telavi region

3.6 ha lamd for sale in Telavi region, Napareuli village, for commercial pusposes, with communicatuions

City: Telavi
District: Telavi
Street/Number: Telavi region
Price per Square: 0.68 GEL
Price: 245,123.99 GEL
Area: 3.60 m2


+995 597 000066 +995 599 720772

ID: 18989
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Land for sale in Telavi region
ID: 18989
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