House for rent in Zugdidi

2-storied private house for rent in Zugdidi, on Kortua str, renovated, with 2 toilets, heating (on diesel engine), hot water, phone, furniture, technics, metal door, jalousie, balcony

City: Zugdidi
District: Zugdidi
Street/Number: Kortua str.
Price per Square: 9.05 GEL
Price: 2,713.60 GEL
Area: 300.00 m2


(+995 597) 000066 +995 597 032299

ID: 1016
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House for rent in Zugdidi
ID: 1016
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House for rent in Zugdidi

2-storied private house for rent in Zugdidi, on Gamsakhurdia str, 6 rooms, renovated, with heating (electricity), furniture, technique, telephone, 2 balconies

City: Zugdidi
District: Zugdidi
Street/Number: Gamsakhurdia str.
Price per Square: 9.05 GEL
Price: 2,713.60 GEL
Area: 300.00 m2


(+995 597) 000066 +995 597 032299

ID: 1017
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House for rent in Zugdidi
ID: 1017
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House for rent in Zugdidi

2-storied private house for rent in Zugdidi, on Chkondideli str, 4 rooms, renovated (electricity), with air-conditioner, hot water, technique, balcony, yard

City: Zugdidi
District: Zugdidi
Street/Number: Chkondideli str.
Price per Square: 6.78 GEL
Price: 1,356.80 GEL
Area: 200.00 m2


(+995 597) 000066 +995 597 032299

ID: 1018
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House for rent in Zugdidi
ID: 1018
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House for rent in Zugdidi

2-storied private house for rent in Zugdidi, on Agmashenebeli str, 9 rooms, with heating, air-conditioner, hot water, furniture, technics, phone, internet, 50 sq.m. balcony, garage, rent of the second floor separately (200 sq.m., 4 rooms, 2 balconies) is possible

City: Zugdidi
District: Zugdidi
Street/Number: Agmashenebeli str.
Price per Square: 11.94 GEL
Price: 5,969.92 GEL
Area: 500.00 m2


(+995 597) 000066 +995 597 032299

ID: 1019
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House for rent in Zugdidi
ID: 1019
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House for rent in Zugdidi

Second floor of 2-storied private house for rent in Zugdidi, on Kiria str, 5 rooms, height of ceilings - 4 m., drawing room with fireplace, kitchen, 3 bedrooms, toilet, renovated, with heating (electricity), air-conditioner, furniture, technics, phone, internet, metal door, jalousie, balcony, large yard with vineyard, well. Ground floor use is possible

City: Zugdidi
District: Zugdidi
Street/Number: Kiria str.
Price per Square: 11.33 GEL
Price: 1,812.66 GEL
Area: 160.00 m2


(+995 597) 000066 +995 597 032299

ID: 1052
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House for rent in Zugdidi
ID: 1052
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House for rent in Zugdidi

2-storied private house for rent in Zugdidi, on Ninoshvili str, I floor - 2 rooms, kitchen (in a tile) and toilet, II floor - drawing room, 3 bedrooms, toilet, kitchen, renovated, with heating (on the electricity), fireplace, hot water, furniture, technics, phone, internet, metal door, jalousie, 2 balconies, well-groomed yard

City: Zugdidi
District: Zugdidi
Street/Number: Ninoshvili str.
Price per Square: 13.94 GEL
Price: 3,625.32 GEL
Area: 260.00 m2


(+995 597) 000066 +995 597 032299

ID: 1053
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House for rent in Zugdidi
ID: 1053
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House for rent in Zugdidi

Second floor of 2-storeyed private house for rent in Zugdidi, on Tbilisi str, 3 rooms, 2 bedrooms, renovated, with heating (on the electricity), with furniture, technics, phone, internet, metal door, jalousie, garage

City: Zugdidi
District: Zugdidi
Street/Number: Tbilisi str.
Price per Square: 15.11 GEL
Price: 1,510.55 GEL
Area: 100.00 m2


(+995 597) 000066 +995 597 032299

ID: 1054
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House for rent in Zugdidi
ID: 1054
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House for rent in Zugdidi

Second floor of the 2-storied private house for rent in Zugdidi, on Chikava str, renovated, with heating, hot water, furniture, technics, phone, internet, balcony, place for autoparking in the yard

City: Zugdidi
District: Zugdidi
Street/Number: Chikava str.
Price per Square: 20.14 GEL
Price: 2,416.88 GEL
Area: 120.00 m2


(+995 597) 000066 +995 597 032299

ID: 1055
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House for rent in Zugdidi
ID: 1055
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House for rent in Zugdidi

2-storied private house for rent in Zugdidi, on Agmashenebeli str, 2 drawing rooms, 3 bedrooms, cabinet, renovated, with heating, hot water, fireplace, furniture, technics, phone, internet, metal door, jalousie, verandah, underground garage for 2 cars, well-groomed yard

City: Zugdidi
District: Zugdidi
Street/Number: Agmashenebeli str.
Price per Square: 15.08 GEL
Price: 2,713.60 GEL
Area: 180.00 m2


(+995 597) 000066 +995 597 032299

ID: 1056
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House for rent in Zugdidi
ID: 1056
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House for rent in Zugdidi

2-storied private house for rent in Zugdidi, on Chikava str, I floor is finished by tree, huge hall with fireplace, 1 bedroom, kitchen, II floor - 3 bedrooms, kitchen, toilet, large terrace (65 sq.m.), renovated, with heating (on the electricity), fireplace, furniture, technics, phone, internet, satellite aerial, lattices at windows, garage

City: Zugdidi
District: Zugdidi
Street/Number: Chikava str.
Price per Square: 12.08 GEL
Price: 3,021.10 GEL
Area: 250.00 m2


(+995 597) 000066 +995 597 032299

ID: 1057
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House for rent in Zugdidi
ID: 1057
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