House for sale in Digomi massive

Price from:700.000 USD
Price per square:1.094 USD/m²
Street/ number:Liubliana str.
Area:640 m²
4-storied new-constructed private house for sale in Digomi massive, on Liubliana str, with 550 sq.m. yard, in a prestigious quiet district, with plastic windows with colour glasses, internal ladder, heating system, all communications, white framed, makes a floor coupler, is finished with high-quality, the area of each floor - 160 sq.m., with halls on each floor, drawing room - 55 sq.m., kitchen - 30 sq.m., there is a possibility tu unite them, cabinet and bedroom 22 - 27 sq.m., bathrooms on each floor, cellar with the built in regiments (100 sq.m.), garage, court yard with fruit trees, place for pool
+995 597 032299, (+995 597) 000066